Lance Sparks


Pastor Sparks received his undergraduate training at Washington Bible College in Lanham, Maryland and completed his graduate work at Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana.  He has served the Lord in two previous Southern California churches and is currently the Senior Pastor of Christ Community Church here in West Covina, California.  He is heard each weekday at 9:30 a.m. on “Living Word,” a Southern California (KBRT 740 AM) radio broadcast. He and his wife, Laurie, have eight children.

    Tim Gruchacz

    Minister of Worship Ministries/IMPACT Leader

    Timothy graduated from The Master's College with a BA in Music with an emphasis in Biblical Studies. He came to CCC in 2012 and oversees the Worship Ministries, including Music, Choir, Sound/Tech and all service elements. His goal is to lead the church in corporate worship with reverence, excellence, variety and joy, and to provide practical ways for believers to serve the Body as God has equipped them.  His passion is to remind believers that worship is not limited to music. He and his wife, Aryn, have four children.

      Bruce MacLean

      Elder/Pastor of Ambassadorship and Missionary in Residence

      Bruce graduated from BIOLA university in 1984 and spent many years working in the business sector. While leading Short Term Mission trips for Christ Community Church, Bruce felt God’s calling for full time missions. After interning at CCC in the year 2000, Bruce was sent to India as the church’s first full-time missionary. In 2002 Bruce married Keonoi (Ping) and together served the next 17 years in three different countries in Asia. At the beginning of 2019, Bruce and Ping returned to the US and began full-time ministry at CCC. They have one daughter.

        Esteban Bustos

        Elder/Pastor of Spanish Ministry

        Esteban moved from Ecuador to California in 2011 to marry his beautiful wife, Michelle. He joined Christ Community Church and after a few years, collaborated in starting a Spanish Bible Study. He graduated from The Master’s Seminary in 2019 with his MDiv and then became part of the staff at Christ Community Church. He currently serves as Pastor of the Spanish congregation and works part-time at The Master’s Seminary. His passion is to preach God’s Word and  shepherd God’s people. He and his wife, Michelle, have five boys.

          Peggy Casler

          Business Administrator/Deacon

          Peggy studied business in college, worked in management in the insurance field, and has operated two family owned businesses.  Although she is on staff, her passion and ministry is women.  In her dual role as Director of Women's Ministry, Peggy guides a dedicated team of committed women who oversee all facets of Women’s Ministries including: Bible studies, regular programs and special events for women at Christ Community Church.


            Tom Mason

            Elder of Discipleship

              Roger Flores

              Elder of Children's Ministries/Evangelism

                MINISTRY STAFF

                David Lovasz

                Children's Ministries

                  Jeremy Lamb

                  Usher and Greeter Ministries

                    A.J. Sparks

                    Youth Ministry


                      Don Davis

                      Young Families Ministry